Saturday, November 22, 2014

Welcome Guest Blogger Debra Druzy

I’m so excited to be on your blog, Rebecca. Thank you for having me!
Sleeping with Santa is my first published book! It’s a contemporary Christmas romance, coming out December 3, 2014, from The Wild Rose Press, and I think women from 21 to 101 will love it. (P.S. Hubbies and Boyfriends: It’s the kind of story that makes a good stocking stuffer! *wink wink*)
In a nutshell, the Hero is stuck playing Santa Claus and uses it to his advantage to win the Heroine’s heart. There’s a lot more to their relationship, of course. Visit my website for more information ~
Here are five fun facts about my experience writing Sleeping with Santa.
1.    November 2012, my sister and I conjured up a story about a redheaded heroine ~ because my sister’s a redhead. We modeled the hero after Joe Manganiello ~ because he’s super-sexy! “What’s the hottest thing you can do at Christmastime?” I asked her. “Sleep with Santa,” my sister said. And that’s how the story evolved.
2.    My parents thought I was writing the next Harry Potter. I never mentioned the title because I was embarrassed ~ they are my parents after all! I finally told them when the publisher gave me the release date a few weeks ago.
3.    The fictitious town of Scenic View is based on Port Jefferson Village, which is on Long Island, in New York.
4.    The idea for the CPR-scene came after I took a CPR-class ~ except the book-version is a whole helluva lot more interesting.
5.    The lingerie shop in the story is called Violet’s Valise ~ named after my Grandma Violet who always brought her valise whenever she came to visit.
I hope everyone enjoys reading Sleeping with Santa as much as I enjoyed writing it! My current work in progress takes place in the same town with some spin-off characters. If you’d like to find me online, start here >>

Buy Links:
Wild Rose Press Store Link:
Amazon Link:

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