Saturday, July 2, 2016

What Have I Been up to Lately?

I thought I’d give you some idea of what a typical month can be like in my writing world.

You have to do a certain amount of promotion, unless you are constantly on the New York Best Selling lists. So a month ago I spent three long days at a convention. I lugged several boxes of books from the inconvenient garage where I parked the car, to an elevator and up 12 floors to the dealer’s room. There I was one among many tables selling everything from handmade jewelry to books. For three days I talked about writing and sold a few books. In another month I will be off to another convention two provinces away, When Words Collide, where I’m on three panel discussions. I get to sit on an autograph session but don’t have to stand behind a table and sell books. One of my publishers is there with their full line so that is one less chore. This week I sat down with my web mistress. We’re finally up-dating my website and there is still a lot of work to do there.

I’ve been making sure my Goodreads and Amazon Author pages are up to date. I blog on a couple of websites other than my own. Been catching up my writing duties there, today. Been posting new covers on my author’s Facebook page.

On the actual writing side I’ve been busy with the line edits (final round!) on the last book in The Queen’s Pawn trilogy. The Queen’s Game is being released August 2nd in both print and ebook versions. I’m also wrestling with another trilogy through my second publisher. The first book, Toltec Dawn, has completed the round of edits, the second book, Toltec Khan, cluttered up my desk for a week as we went around again in depth. Both of these should be out this year. All this has meant that my work on the third book of the Toltec trilogy, as yet untitled, is only halfway finished. I did say I would complete the first draft by the end of August. That may be a tight squeeze.

Yesterday I came up with an idea for a new novel I would like to write someday.

Will it ever end? I hope not.


The Dark Lady Trilogy (Volume 1,2,3)
The Queen’s Pawn (Volume 1,2,3)
The Housetrap Chronicles (Volume 1 to 7)
Alex in Wanderland,
Knight’s Bridge
We’re Not in Kansas
Coming events later in 2016/17: Toltec Dawn (Book 1 of 3)

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