Saturday, November 22, 2014

Welcome Guest Blogger Hebby Roman

"I've been writing since around 1990. I was print published in the late 1990s through 2001, then I came back to writing early last year and have self pubbed and published with Wild Rose Press. And yes, my writing process has changed alot over time, and I actually have a blog about the changes, entitled: Obsessive Compulsive vs Seat of the Pants. " 

Writing Emotions into Love Scenes

            Have you ever read a love/sex scene that seemed to be a catalog of moving body parts? I have, and to be brutally honest, I've written scenes like that. Not to say that a spirited recounting of the poetry of making love won't steam up your bifocals or contact lenses or whatever … LOL
            When I was a beginning writer, I made certain that every kiss and caress was recounted explicitly and with as many sensory cues as possible. But beyond body parts and sensory cues, what is the richer subtext of a love scene? Short answer: it's what is going on in the minds and hearts of the heroine/hero. Think of love scenes in your favorite books that were particularly satisfying. In those scenes, you knew exactly how the characters were affected from the initial meeting of their lips, through each caress, and to the ultimate joining of their bodies.
            To give a clearer picture of their feelings, I often change point of view within a love scene and tell one part from the hero's perspective and then end with the heroine's feelings. While point of view is a powerful tool that gives the reader an intimate thermometer of what the h/h are thinking and feeling, it's just another layer leading to the final and most important component, the emotional content that rises from the main conflict between the characters.
            Let me give you some examples of what I mean.
In my contemporary romance, THE BEST BET, the heroine has a hard time trusting herself to love and commit to a serious relationship. She's attracted to the hero and wants to be intimate with him, but he wants more. The hero is wise enough to recognize her fears and when they come together physically, he never says a word about love or marriage. Why? Because he doesn't want to scare her off.
            In one of my historical romances, TEMPT FORTUNE, one side of the hero's face has been disfigured and despite a marriage of convenience, he avoids physical consummation with the heroine, believing she despises his disfigurement. When they finally come together, the pivotal point of their love scene is when she strokes his disfigured face and tells him that her love for him has blinded her to his scars. With her declaration of unconditional love, the hero's fears and doubts melt away.
            From my recently published medieval, THE PRINCESS AND THE TEMPLAR, the hero is a Templar monk sworn to celibacy and bastard born. Based on his medieval code, he's far beneath the Irish princess in his care, and he shouldn't desire her. When their mutual attraction ignites, he restrains himself and gives the Princess pleasure while keeping her virginity intact.
            All of these examples illustrate the emotional conflict that is at the heart of the story and by weaving those same emotions into the love scenes the story will be richer and more satisfying.

Blog by Hebby Roman. Please see her latest contemporary release, THE BEST GAME, at Amazon.

Raul de Porcelos, a dedicated Knight Templar, is duty bound to bring orphaned Irish Princess Cahira O'Donnell to wed the Earl of Orkney, Raul's lord. But Cahira has a mind of her own and resists the handsome Templar, refusing to relinquish the castle and lands that her family died to protect. 

Thrown together by fate, they come to know each other and a forbidden passion is kindled. Who will be the first to surrender to desire, the warrior-princess or the warrior-monk?

Amazon buy link:

Welcome Guest Blogger Ronald Hore

Ronald Hore

Back cover blurbs:
The full length novels:

High Fantasy

The Dark Lady Series:
Book One - Available in Print or eBook
The Dark Lady: "Young Princess Nefasti wakes to discover her father, the King, poisoned and her mother near death. The sole heiress to the ancient high kingdom of Vadio, the king's three brothers begin to plot and quarrel over who will become Regent and control the kingdom until she comes of age, or dies. Their solution is to marry her off, or kill her. If this trio were not enough of a problem, the greedy surrounding kingdoms all want to gobble Vadio up, and their ambassadors scurry through the castle plotting and scheming.
Book Two - Dark Days - Available in Print or eBook
Book Three - Dark Knights - Available in eBook

The Queen's Pawn   - Available in Print or eBook

On his way to study for the priesthood, Harow is mistaken for a bold and infamous duke. Instead of study, he finds himself thrust into action to rescue a beautiful queen and her spoiled daughter, as they flee the city. Now, a rebel army is hot on their heels and Harow must keep his wits about him as he leads the small group of survivors to safety.
(A stand-alone novel, but I'm working on extending it into a trilogy.)

The urban(?) fantasy detective series of novellas.

The Housetrap Chronicles - Volume 1 - Collection Available in Print. Individual Novellas Available as ebooks.
What happens when you dare pass through the warped door of Randolf C. Aloysius, Private Eye? You enter the fantasy world of the Housetrap Chronicles, where anything can happen, and usually does. Here are three stories from Randy's well-worn case files:

Housetrap: a missing boyfriend, and elf on the run and Martian Vampires. What is a private eye to do?

Dial M for Mudder: Locate a missing statue in the dismal swamps of Venus! No problem? Just assemble an expedition with a curvaceous assassin, a senior citizen, and a teenage guide.
 House on Hollow Hill: What could be simpler, simply attend a high-fashion weekend in the country with your half-banshee secretary while posing as another couple, and keep a close eye on the erratic host? Why? Because someone is planning to murder him.
Also in the same series, as eBooks only...

Hounds of Basalt Ville:
Murder in the Rouge Mort:
The Treasure of the Sarah Madder:
There is also the stand-alone, high fantasy mayhem (slightly Game of Thrones?) and mildly romance novella: Knight's Bridge (eBook)

When did I start writing?

I started writing about 30 or 40 years ago, but work kept getting in the way of following up on manuscripts and doing the marketing thing with publishers. The last 15 years of my day job life included a lot of non-fiction writing. Then about ten years ago, I got serious about my fiction. Won a short story contest, appeared in an anthology put out by a writer's group, and in a major vampire collection. My first novel was published by Champagne in 2012.  
Why do I continue to write?
I want to find out how the story ends.
What do I find most difficult about writing?
Never a problem with coming up with a story. Never faced writer's block. Time is always an issue. I can be distracted. My biggest problem is on the marketing side. I enjoy being on writer's panels, don't mind manning a book table at a Comic Con, feel like an absolute dud when it comes to social media.
What is your writing process?
I'm pretty much a pantser. I seldom do much in the way of plotting or outlining in advance of the actual writing. I make my notes as I create. (Good notes are important, especially if you end up writing a series!)  An example of my ultimate in pantsing is the Housetrap Chronicles. For the first six tales in the series, I came up with the (silly) title first, and then sat down to write a story that would fit the title.
What am I up to now?
Currently I'm wrapping up the editing on a stand-alone novel coming out in March 2015, "Alex in Wanderland," about a bickering modern married couple swept away into an alternative medieval universe. Also working on the sequel to The Queen's Pawn. Hope to have the first draft finished by year end. I came up with a complicated idea for a seventh in the Housetrap series and almost finished with it. Had to plot a lot of this one in advance. My biggest difficulty then was coming up with a tile. I'm used to working backwards.

Welcome Guest Blogger Debra Druzy

I’m so excited to be on your blog, Rebecca. Thank you for having me!
Sleeping with Santa is my first published book! It’s a contemporary Christmas romance, coming out December 3, 2014, from The Wild Rose Press, and I think women from 21 to 101 will love it. (P.S. Hubbies and Boyfriends: It’s the kind of story that makes a good stocking stuffer! *wink wink*)
In a nutshell, the Hero is stuck playing Santa Claus and uses it to his advantage to win the Heroine’s heart. There’s a lot more to their relationship, of course. Visit my website for more information ~
Here are five fun facts about my experience writing Sleeping with Santa.
1.    November 2012, my sister and I conjured up a story about a redheaded heroine ~ because my sister’s a redhead. We modeled the hero after Joe Manganiello ~ because he’s super-sexy! “What’s the hottest thing you can do at Christmastime?” I asked her. “Sleep with Santa,” my sister said. And that’s how the story evolved.
2.    My parents thought I was writing the next Harry Potter. I never mentioned the title because I was embarrassed ~ they are my parents after all! I finally told them when the publisher gave me the release date a few weeks ago.
3.    The fictitious town of Scenic View is based on Port Jefferson Village, which is on Long Island, in New York.
4.    The idea for the CPR-scene came after I took a CPR-class ~ except the book-version is a whole helluva lot more interesting.
5.    The lingerie shop in the story is called Violet’s Valise ~ named after my Grandma Violet who always brought her valise whenever she came to visit.
I hope everyone enjoys reading Sleeping with Santa as much as I enjoyed writing it! My current work in progress takes place in the same town with some spin-off characters. If you’d like to find me online, start here >>

Buy Links:
Wild Rose Press Store Link:
Amazon Link:

Welcome Guest Bloggers Angelica hart and Zi

Q and A

Waving hello to Rebecca and readers.  Sitting down in plush cyber chairs and drinking hug mugs of hot chocolate.  

A: We are ready to go.

Z: Go where?
A: Here.
Z: Huh?
A: Just answer the questions.
Z: But that means we are not going anywhere.
A: Huh?
Z: (Stares at each other a moment totally dumbfounded)  Errr, let's go.
A: That is what I said

And they do...go and answer the questions that is.

1.    How many books have you written and does the process change with each new book?  

We have written and had published 62 novels/novellas and approximately 230 short stories over various genres. Additionally, we have 7 novels in various forms of draft and have another 280 short stories waiting to be polished.

Z:  Thanks for making me add these up.  Now, I realize I have no other life.
A:  We are the little engine that could.  No wonder I’m so tired.
Z:  It seems like a lot but as I reflect back and because we have been able to work full time at it and share much of the duties to create, it happened so easily.
A:  Tell the truth, it’s because we are as old as dirt.  
Z:  And sometimes as dirty as dirt.
A:  Speak for yourself.  (Wipes the drizzle of a jelly donut off her chin)
Z:  So to answer the question, does the process change, it needs to be answered in two ways.  No, it does not.  Yes, it does.  I’m not fence straddling here.  There are fundamental processes we need to go through to create any work, such as develop the idea, create an outline, character development and determine the genre/audience.  But when writing a piece such as romance, we must immerse ourselves into the components that make it such.  This would be typical for any of the genres produced.  A romantic hero is certainly different than a contemporary hero.  One bigger than life, and the other the result of the character created within the context of the story.  (Looks to Ang) Do you have anything to add?
A:  One of the advantages and complications of sharing intellectual properties is having to share the depth of the stories and characters.  This requires a lot of prepping dialogue, so that we can approach it as one writer.  If not the conflict becomes apparent if parties are of conflicting directions.  This requires a strong, tight outline with equally tight characters that have been fleshed out before we discover their adventures.  However, the one thing we do not share are the jelly donuts.  They are mine!  (Gives Zi a warning look)

2.    How many sub genres do you write and does the process change with each sub genre?  

A:  Reflecting on this question, we have probably written in at least seven different genres.  

Z:  I’ll trade you this Frosty for a donut.  
A:  No deal.
Z:  Fine!  The trick of writing in various genres is to first feel the universes within each.  One of the tricks we do is, we will retrieve ten to fifty images that reflect the mindset of that universe.  That could include geography, the look of a character, outfitting, sights or buildings.  We tape them to the walls of our office.  We will also talk and communicate with each other as if we are in those worlds, thus it helps create the patter of our dialogue.  (Eyes up the huge donut box)  You sure you won’t take two Frostys for a donut?
A:  What do you think?  (Closes the box’s lid)  To add to my esteem but ravenous partner’s thoughts, we go to great distances to get into the minds of the characters.  Separating who we are as people and what we intellectualize about the characters.  I as a mother have to think like a telepathic okapi, and I’m neither telepathic nor an okapi, therefore, I have to feel within the world of their existence.  I can’t project myself.  I must project the character. I can’t feel what it’s like to fly since I never have without a plane.  And I have never been in a life threatening conflict, but I must write as if I am.  So, it becomes extraordinarily important to relinquish myself to the identity of the character I am creating.  If we can’t do that, we fail that character and our story and mostly the reader.
Z:  Therefore, every day we write, we are Water Mitty, dreaming and living vicariously.  (Rises, looks back with righteous indignation)  I have chocolate cake in the refrigerator, anyhow.  I’m getting it.
A:  I’ll trade you a donut for a piece of cake.
Z:  Deal!

3.    How long have you been writing and has your process changed over time?

Z:  We both started seriously writing in our twenties, found some success in our thirties but became prolific in our fifties.

A:  Can you believe it has been over ten years since we have been writing together?  
Z:  Yes I can I can count the scars on my ego.
A:  And I can count the pounds on the scale.  You have too much food around here, and we order out too much.  By the way, you are paying for our next Deli treat.  
Z:  (Ignores her)  As partners we learned short cuts to creating ideas.  We have lamestorm sessions where we each present an idea and determine if it is lame or worthy of further creation.  
A:  Our basic process hasn’t changed, but has been refined.  I don’t turn red-faced trying to get my point across.  The vein in his brow no longer throbs blue.  We have learned to discuss in a way that makes it about the story, the reader and not about our self-esteem.
Z:  The Golden Fleece we Jasons have retrieved is that we have made a pact to agree to agree.  This means we force ourselves to compromise for the betterment of the story and the reader, not our own egos.
A:  Having had the privilege to work with various editors we have learned to become more efficient and effective by anticipating what their needs are.  We have as a partnership created defined roles and responsibilities.  Someone may be the lead on a project and the other is the strong editorial force.  Someone may be the ideas guru while the other punches up the color of the universe.  Then on final read, we switch roles.  Thus, hopefully enriching our gift.  
Z & A:  Thank you for the opportunity to present our thoughts.  We have enjoyed expounding.
A:  (Looks at Zi after putting down her cake fork and plate)  Is it time for lunch?
  Company: : Angelica Hart and Zi  † Vixen Bright and Zachary Zane :  KILLER DOLLS ~ SNAKE DANCE ~ CHASING YESTERDAY ~CHRISTMAS EVE...VIL : STEEL EMBRACE ~BO: OK NOOKIE : The Sin-Sin in Cinderella Series

Welcome Guest Blogger: Kevin B. Henry

How long have you been writing and has your process changed over time?

I was thinking about being a writer 30 years ago. Could be even longer than that but it was about then that when people asked where I would be in five years I would say A Writer. It took a little longer. I wanted to be the next Heinlein or Clarke or even John D. MacDonald. I was imitating and not being very original. Not being Kevin B. Henry. I rarely finished what I started. It was a wonderful pile of incomplete manuscripts that all sounded like someone else. Then I finally realized I needed to be me and an idea presented itself shortly thereafter.

My first novella, Amber Gifts was written like a knitting project. I would write stuff all out of sequence and then put bits and parts together to fill in the holes. It worked well and I continued that process with the second and to a lesser degree the third story. Those will be published in 2015 by Champagne Books.

I’ve begun work on the fourth story and it’s been more challenging. I have notes and scribbles on cocktail napkins and all sorts of things I want to include. I intend on sitting down over the holidays and start this new knitting project.

I guess the answer is for the first 30 years the process was incomplete. In the past three years the process has become more concrete and much more productive. 

Kevin B. Henry
  Company: Champagne Author
Kevin B. Henry
Author, Educator, Traveller!

Amber Gifts
A scavenger hunt through time turns into a deadly game of cat and mouse.

Time is Only the Beginning of the Adventure!

Discover Amber Gifts on the Web!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Welcome Guest Blogger: Kayden Claremont

Kayden Claremont Interview #2

Thanks for hosting me on your blog today.

Tell us a little about your new book.

Hell’s Bounty is the first book in my Heaven and Hell series. It is a paranormal erotic novella, and it’s published by The Wild Rose Press.

Marcus Dionysius, a Nephilim working for Heaven, has one mission – to prevent Hell’s beauty from stealing souls meant for the higher plane. But he soon realizes he’s met his sexual match in Raven Hart, a succubus bounty hunter on a hunt.

Can you share with us “The call” story?

I was in New Hampshire looking at wedding venues for my daughter’s wedding. I was dog tired after flying in and we had to get up really early to start our quest. Before I joined everyone for breakfast I checked my emails. I was scanning one and read “please sign and return to us.” I really didn’t understand what was going on so reread the email. It took a few minutes for the fact The Wild Rose Press had just offered me a contract just to sink in. I joined the others for breakfast and my daughter asked me what was wrong. I whispered I had a contact but decided to keep it quiet for the rest of the day.
That night we were celebrating the venue and y book contact at the same time.

What is your favorite time of the day for writing?

I write when the characters talk to me. A regularly get up in the middle of the night and write to 6 am. Some mornings I hand my husband his coffee as I’m going back to bed. Then I get up again between nine and ten and get ready for work and leave. I don’t recommend this but it works for me.

What is your favorite food to cook or eat?

Sweets. I’m gluten free so I have to be very careful with bread, cookies, cakes and pies but I love them. I’m always on the hunt for great gluten free recipes. However, I can still eat chocolate so live is good.

List of few of your favorite things?

Music, jazz and blues are my favorite. Chocolate anything, sitting by water it relaxes me., and great stories I can get lost in.

             Raven looked over at him. “Marcus, this is the coroner, Doctor Hill. Doc, this is my new partner, Detective Marcus Dionysius.”
Marcus extended his hand to the doctor, but he just paced back and forth, ignoring the proffered handshake. “Oh, my dear, you shouldn’t see this.”
“Doc, I’m a detective. There isn’t much I haven’t seen.” Raven’s no-nonsense tone had no effect on the doctor. “No, dear, not this time.” He took her by the elbow and led her a few feet away from the body. Shaking his head, he continued, “This time it’s too personal. You don’t need to see this.” He pointed at the body on the ground. “It’s Stephen, my dear.”
Marcus watched shock flash across her face for a moment before she got control again. She wasn’t expecting to see her late partner. She hadn’t done this, but that didn’t clear her of the other attacks.
The captain was sleazy. Everyone in heaven and hell knew it. And everyone thought that because Raven worked so closely with him, she was part of his plan. Marcus hoped the sexy succubus wasn’t connected with hell’s mess. He moved closer to the body.
Doctor Hill glanced at him and stopped talking.
Clearing his throat, Marcus said softly to Raven, “I’ll handle this if you’re not up to it. The captain can assign another detective to work the case with me.”
Raven looked up at him, anger flaring in her eyes as she answered, “What do you think I am? Some fragile female who can’t do her job?”

Author Bio

Kayden’s Bio

Kayden is hooked on Paranormal Romance. She loves writing about the rollercoaster ride of demons, angels and watchers and the consequences they must endure when they falling in love.  Her sensuous style drives the characters in lustful romps.
Kayden is a member of Sisters in Crime International; Sisters in Crime Toronto; Romance Writers of America, Toronto Romance Writers.
When she’s not at her day job she’s crafting more tales of love, crime and the supernatural or spending time with her husband and children.
She lives outside of Toronto with her husband.
You can contact Kayden at:


Sunday, September 28, 2014

Welcome Guest Blogger Raani York

(The Dragon Chronicles, Book #1)

Shalima, “Daughter of the Light”, was born under special circumstances. She was raised by her aunts instead of her mother because she needed to be prepared to fulfill the prophecies of the Old Scriptures, which told that she was the only Magician on Earth.

Her aunts carefully prepared her for her obligations and her sacred duty. She will have to get married to the Holy Golden Dragon, the King of the Dragons, a huge Earth Dragon with magical talents. She cannot believe that she is the “Chosen One”, who has to protect the Dragon Species, all of Nature and finally the Earth. But when she turned into a teenager it seemed that the Old Scriptures were right.

Buy the Book:

As an Ebook for following formats: epub, mobi, pd,f rtf, lrf ,pdb, txt, html

The Paperback version on Amazon will be released very soon! More buyer’s links will be available within the next week.


Author Bio
Raani York has been a high volume writer for years. She has published articles, letters, short stories, poems, continuation stories and descriptions of all kind. She also writes novels, some of which can found on her website.

Raani has been educated in Switzerland and in the U.S. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration. She also obtained diplomas in Graphic Design, Color Studies and won a prize as a Logo Designer. She speaks four languages and several dialects.

Raani York works and lives in Switzerland and the U.S. and travels often.

Next to her writing and her cats, Raani likes reading, blogging, Martial Arts, skiing, horseback riding, sky diving and enjoys playing the classical piano.


FB Author Page:



    The mountains possessed a dark but seductive beauty, and they lay in wait for the ones who came through the Fire Hell. The powdered white peaks of the sparkling black mountain-world watched for them with longing.

  The Diamond Mountains gave the illusion of being much closer than they really were, and many a pilgrim had been lured to his death by the promise of riches hidden on their slopes. These mountains were so named because of the rough gems strewn about the black volcanic soil. When the sun shone overhead the gems made the mountains sparkle and shimmer brightly, and at night they made the moonlit mountains glow with a soft silver light.

  People, blinded by both their greed and the tantalizing glittering of the sunlit earth, imagined that there was immeasurable wealth lying there on the ground, just waiting to be picked. However, the mountains never betrayed the secrets they held. None who had ever walked those slopes could find the diamonds hidden within the black soil, for the mountains protected themselves.

  Although healthy forest still grew in the foothills, the undergrowth became sparser just a few hundred feet up, and then the treeline ended. Where stunted trees would normally grow the forest just stopped, as if some unseen hand had cut it short. All that remained were dangerously sharp, dry rocks. Just below the snowline, the rocks disappeared, and the glittering black soil took their place.

Moreover, at the summit it seemed as if the Creator of All Things had dusted the peaks of the fissured mountain range with powdered sugar, for they were covered with a deceptively soft-looking, yet extremely sharp-edged eternal snow.

  The mountains never betrayed their secrets...
  And if a wanderer were to climb those peaks, going up to the Fire Hell and searching to quench his thirst at a splashing mountain spring, he would find no cool, refreshing water. Instead, these living mountains would seek to frighten him by shrouding the ground with a mysterious fog that made it impossible to see where he was putting his feet. Pilgrims sometimes drowned in the sulfurous pools of water hidden within the hellish rocks when the fog appeared, and if they left the main trails, they would know true fear, for they would be led down treacherous sidepaths that seemed to take them somewhere, yet actually led them nowhere but to their doom.

  The mountains never betrayed their secrets...
  Though many thought they would find the cool relief of the shadows by early evening, the ascent would continue for another three torturous days. During those three days, their throats would scream for water, and their eyes would tear up in the swirling sand. Blown up by the hot desert winds, the sand burned as it fell upon a traveler's face and skin. Eventually their limbs would become heavy, and they would barely be able to move; thus, the wanderers would be forced to crawl on, farther and farther, until sheer luck eventually brought them to civilization... to people.

  In a canyon between two hills below the mountain range there was a village. It had no official name, but the people living there called it Alpcateçu, which meant Oasis of the Mountains. Anyone who wanted to climb the mountains had to pass through the village. A few taverns and inns surrounded the village fountain, where a market was sometimes held.

  Some houses and huts had been built in the wide hills and even at the edge of the forest... and in one such place, hidden within the woods, almost four hundred feet past the deepest thicket and connected to the village only by a sidepath lay the place in which I had been born.